Our Story

In the Beginning

In August of 2006, Marcus Avalos had just recently resigned from 20 years of serving in a local church as their Outreach / Associate Pastor. He was in a cabin praying on the hillside of a Retreat Center in Mason, Texas when the Holy Spirit directed him to return to his home town in Seguin and plant a local church. The mission was simple, “Go back home and tell them how much I love them.” After receiving this mission, He and Natalie came together and committed themselves to this mission with a simple “Yes Lord” and invited his parents Antonio & Lydia Avalos and a few close friends to begin praying.

In September Marcus stood in front of a gathering of believers in a living room and cast the vision for a new church. He said, "Seguin does not need another church. Seguin needs a place where the unchurched can come and hear the life-changing message that Jesus Christ loves them.” So began Crossroads Church.

When Marcus talks about those early years, he focuses on the strategic principles that he uses to guide and build this ministry: “the three-legged stool”. We never set out to grow a church but to remain healthy as a community and to become secure in the love of Christ. The three-legged stool is a compass that guides his personal life and the weekend experience in the midst of an ever changing culture. We all need 3 things: Practical Application of God’s Word, Worship that leads one into God’s Presence, and to be connected relationally with people of like-minded faith. As a result, we began regular Sunday morning services with a core of leaders who understood what we were trying to do and where they would fit in.

Opening Day

In October of 2006, with no official church location, and about 15 friends, Crossroads began their 1st of three “Preview Services” on the third Sunday of October, November, and December at the Seguin Coliseum. The Coliseum had agreed to contract Crossroads on a weekly basis beginning in January of 2007 and could only provide those dates because of previous commitments already scheduled. That Sunday morning, Marcus and Natalie packed all the church sound gear, childrens church supplies, etc… into their Honda Passport and 1990 Jeep Cherokee and drove to the Coliseum to meet their friends and “preview” the possibilities of using that facility for a future church location. At a 4 way stop on their way to service, Marcus remembers calling his wife on the phone and asking her, “Are you sure you married the right guy?” He understood the commitment and sacrifice it would take to serve in this capacity all while not allowing “the ministry” to come between their commitment to one another.

To everyone’s surprise, when the service began, 125 showed up at the Coliseum. Their 15 friends had invited friends and the word got out that a new church was about to launch at the Seguin Coliseum. After service, people began asking where service would be the following Sunday. An invitation was made for them to come back the following month because Crossroads did not have a home yet. The following month, most of them came back and others were invited. An individual from the Seguin ISD gave Marcus an open door to use their Administration Building on Sunday mornings for the month of December so they began meeting on a weekly basis until the official launch of Crossroads Church began on January 7, 2007 at the Seguin Coliseum.

For the next 5 years Crossroads met at the Seguin Coliseum. Loading up early on Sunday morning and breaking down afterwards were times of incredible excitement and community. We were truly becoming a family of Christ followers who had a vision to reach the unchurched.

Crossroads has never been a membership club for the righteous but rather a hospital for the sick. Whoever walks through the doors, walks into an experience where it’s understood that all are on level footing before Christ. No one is so righteous that they stand above anyone else and no one is so unrighteous that God’s hand of mercy can't reach down and lift them up. We all are being transformed by God’s love.

Our Home

On Friday 13, 2012, Crossroads signed a note and purchased 6 acres of land off of Hwy 90 on the extreme West side of Seguin. There were only 7 parking spots, a 15,000 sq ft. warehouse that needed to be converted into a church, and a few hundred like minded believers who had a desire to reach their community with the love of Christ.

An Ezekiel 47 Campaign began and $47,000 was raised to convert the building into a functioning church where families could come and experience God’s Presence through Worship, Practical Application of God’s Word, and find a community of people that they could “do life” with and grow spiritually.

Throughout the years, Crossroads continues to meet on this campus and has maximized this campus by adding services, parking, children’s room additions, administrative building, outdoor gathering spaces, etc…Our name is well established in this community and is becoming a staple for families who have a desire for spiritual growth and development.

Beyond the Numbers

Currently, Crossroads Church has over 600-700 participating in worship each week. In addition, 150 children and students meet in groups while their parents attend worship. However, the numbers don't tell the whole story. Transformed lives are what drive the leadership at Crossroads.

From the beginning Marcus has said, "Our real mission is to Bring a Real God to Real People through the love and message of Jesus Christ”. That's not just a slogan. We have measured our success by that standard from the beginning. If I ever stop hearing stories of life change, I guarantee we will stop what we are doing and regroup, no matter how many people are attending."

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